Thursday, December 09, 2004

Howdy from Utah

I am a graduate student at Utah State University in the Instructional Technology Department. I am creating a blog because I have a desire to learn how to do new things within the realm of technology. This is one of them. I wouldn't have done this if my study budy hadn't started it. In an attempt to comment on his blog I ended up having to/or was given the opportunity to create my own blog. If anyone is listening, and you know the answer to this question, would you please respond. What is the status of spectrum these days with regard to the internet? Also, if you have time to volunteer would you please go to It is a site for captioning videos produced by MIT opencourseware. The captions are to benefit the deaf and those who don't understand english. Of course, we also need people who are fluent in other languages too. But for now, you can adopt a video, listen to it, write down the english and post it back to the wiki. We'll do the rest. Thanks


Cajuil said...


Nice blog, I'm impressed! I have to say that I admire your convictions, when you find something you believe in (in this case Oops) you go for it with all your heart. That is a wonderful aspect.
It looks like your doing well in tech, sometimes the best thing you can do with something like this, is to do what you can.
I'd like to take a shot at anwsering your internet question, but I'm afraid I do not understand it, could you maybe rephrase it?


Jean-Claude Bradley said...

I like the idea behind Oops - it is also nice that you have all the video versions in one place like that.